

05.28.20 | 1001 am

driftwood, washed ashore on a Tahitian beach

i conditioned my lips, hoping he’d want to kiss them -
this proxy, stand-in, substitute for you.
his face was sweet, his green eyes soft.
not unlike yours, though i’ve not gazed into them myself.
he wore a grey beanie and sat facing me, cross-legged.
i bit my lip and tapped my leg.
god, please kiss me.
but please, please, don’t try to kiss me, either.
for i don’t know if i will melt into him, eyes closed
and allow myself to be transported in the moment
to a dingy van outside some rock venue in Middle America
or if instead i will just give my heart away, anew
and leave you here
driftwood, washed ashore on a Tahitian beach.



rock out - rock on

words like thunder raining down outside my window pane
hello dad, i'm in jail
And if it make's you feel better, I'll be on my way
driftwood, washed ashore on a Tahitian beach
i don't want to be the foil in this plotline

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