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344 pm - 09.02.06
drive-time radio show
the self-important piss me off.

we were invited out last night to the house of a man who does the afternoon radio show on the local rock station. thinking i'd see a lot of the same fun people we had hung out with the weekend before, i readily agreed to attend. instead of fun, i was surrounded by these egomaniacal twits, all of whom work for said local radio station. all they could talk about is how many people listen to their bits and all the stalkers they get calling them regularly at the station.

now this was particularly offensive to me since i had recently boycotted the station. i had readily admitted this to the host, who had invited us, but did not bother causing conflict with all the rest last night.

it would not have been so bad to listen to their silly inside stories had it not been for the fact that they were outwardly rude about letting 'outsiders' in. ignored from the moment we arrived, we sat silently for a while listening to the others talk. i threw in a few hilarious comments, which were well received, then discarded and talk continued to circle around topics undiscussable (i realize not a word) by myself and ryan. when our host tried to unite the group with a friendly drinking game, no one else would get involved. they holed themselves up in another room or out on the porch smoking cigarillos and didn't speak another word until "goodnight."

well. this is all fine except for the fact that i would hate to feel as though there were now more people in the world who actively dislike me simply because they hadn't given me a chance. this is the impression that i get - that these people will now return to their water cooler chitchat at the station and say something along the lines of, "can you believe those people at that party the other night? like, who did they think they were? They were so rude..." blah blah blah.

i'm an effin' hypocrite, aren't i?



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