

09.04.06 | 1211 pm

not wearing my ring for a bit

i am contemplating not wearing my ring for a bit.

i wrote an article for a local magazine about the challenges we had been facing in determining what i would do with my name after we get married. we had come to the compromise that legally and professionally, i would keep my birth name. socially, i will not correct anyone who calls me mrs. L.

i feel quite strongly that i should not have to change my identity just because i have chosen to spend the rest of my life with someone. i would be MUCH more willing to change my name if he were willing to change his, but this is not an option, he says.

well, out of courtesy, i had him read the article i wrote last night before sending it to the editor and it caused him a great deal of upset. he wouldn't speak to me.

this has gone on too long. i am too frustrated to try to deal with this anymore. we obviously will never agree and thus cannot marry.

so i'm thinking about not wearing my ring for a bit.



rock out - rock on

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