

04.28.20 | 811 am

love junkie

what a year this week has been.

i've had to do a lot of introspection to help me make sense of where i am at currently and to try to gain some semblance of objectivity about my situation.

i did really love him. it was real.

i don't know when it changed, exactly. i don't know when the rush and the need to touch his skin and hear his voice gave way to dull resentment. for a very long time, i thought i could make those feelings reappear. i know myself. all it takes for me is some pretty words. i'm a sucker for sweet sentiments. but he doesn't feel like saying them and i'm not sure i could believe them coming from him anymore, anyway.

maybe there is such a thing as love that doesn't fade. maybe there's such a thing as romance that grows and changes with time, without dying. but if there is, i've not seen it. i guess i'm destined to chasing my next romantic high like the love junkie i am.

or maybe i could learn to love myself and that could be enough.



rock out - rock on

i'd rather forget the days we spent than try to stay afloat in shallow water
the flood
ten long years, they fall like water
we could get lost in the fall, glimmer, sparkle, and fade
i kept you tied down, but i couldn't save you from drowning

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